Emulsifier UVB-1 UNIT 1 M3/HOUR


The UVB-1 bitumen emulsion1 unit is designed for production of anionic2 and cationic3 bitumen emulsions.

Bitumen emulsions are used in road construction for preparation of old road top before application of asphalt concrete, preparation of cold asphalt concrete mixes, surface treatment of road top, preparation of thin film protective coat, road patch repairs etc. The unit can be operated either indoors or outdoors under a canopy.

The UVB-1 bitumen emulsion units are semi-automated plants with components mounted on metal frame and connected with pipes.

The rate of emulsion consumption depends on the type of surface treated. For asphalt surface, the consumption is 500 g/m2, in case of gravel the consumption grows to 1200 g/m2. Treatment of asphalt crumbs increases consumption up to 2000 g/m2.