Conical disperser VD series


Other characteristics
high-speed, laboratory, explosion-proof, vacuum
liquid, for pasty products


The principle of the VOLLRATH High Speed Disperser is to use a specially shaped toothed disc at a very high peripheral tip speed, into a liquid or pasty suspension. This ensures that large stress forces break down the agglomerates.

High performance and efficiency
The high power density, the large speed range and the constant power of the variable speed frequency inverter drive gives VOLLRATH-Dispersers an excellent efficiency and a maximum of flexibility, along with the built-in overload control, which ensures safe and easy processing of all products.

To create maximum shear rate at the premix stage and optimal processing, the following possibilities are applied:

• disperse a high viscose paste:
Product is normally worked into a high viscosity liquid or paste, before adding the rest of the liquid (let down), which had been held back.
• disperser suction discs / double suction disc:
Higher viscosity products are best processed with the Disperser-Suction-Disc to move the whole batch efficiently. Other types and sizes of disc can also be used to suit the particular product to be processed.
• wall and bottom scraping systems can be added:
When the Dispersers are used with a wall and bottom scraper, very highly viscous products can be easily processed.
• conical or double conical tank/ vessel:
Dispersers with conical vessels are normally supplied when a large variation in batch sizes or the whole process has to take place in one tank/ vessel. The right filling height is reached also with small batches, by the conical form of the container.
• heating or cooling:
Vessels can be fitted with heating or cooling jackets or with half-pipe coil.

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