Planetary kneader PDP series


Product type
powder, granulates
Other characteristics
for high-viscosity materials, high-speed, explosion-proof

Min.: 2 l (0.53 gal)

Max.: 700 l (184.92 gal)

Engine power

Min.: 0.8 kW (1.1 hp)

Max.: 45 kW (61.2 hp)


The PerMix Double Planetary Mixers are also called double planetary kneader, because it can be used to handle very viscous materials up to 1,500,000 cPs. Usually the PerMix Double Planetary Mixers have two vertically mounted mixing tools which are driven by one gear to move around the central axe of the tank as well as their own axes.

In the mixing process of a Double Planetary Mixer, two vertically mounted mixing tools rotate around a common sun gear. In addition, they rotate at a higher speed around their own axes, according to the planetary principle. A swinging type scraper continually sweeps the inside wall, transporting material from the walls of the vessel to the mixing tools, and transferring the heat efficiently.

The standard finger-blade mixing tools of the Double Planetary Mixer are designed to work in an overlapping way, thus create strong axial and radial motions in the mix-product, as well as a highly intensive shearing and dispersing effect. Within a short time, the material is thoroughly mixed and even very difficult formulas may be obtained.

The PerMix PDP series Double Planetary Mixer is so versatile that it can be used to mix, knead, stir and deaerate all types of material, including highly viscous pastes, even to granulate wet powders. Industrial pastes produces by the PerMix PDP series Double Planetary Mixer include concentrated paints and varnishes, printing inks, fillers, silicone and thiocole pastes, plastisoles, plastic coatings, synthetic lubricating greases and many other materials.

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